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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Icon_minitimeПон Сеп 26, 2016 9:45 pm by Kayla Nagiev

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Icon_minitimeПон Сеп 26, 2016 2:38 pm by Katya Nagiev.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Icon_minitimeПон Сеп 26, 2016 2:31 pm by Isaac Nagiev.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Icon_minitimeПон Сеп 26, 2016 2:29 pm by Isaac Nagiev.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Icon_minitimeВто Сеп 20, 2016 9:43 pm by -Dahlia Nagiev

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 7:32 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Nvvcngc
- Здравей малката, липсвах ли ти?
I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_ni2qae5Lih1rso37fo1_500
- Колко е хубаво да си у дома.
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football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 8:03 pm

*чува познат глас и се стряска*
I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_inline_njexsaqHtb1rm9p0k

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_inline_njexkzxkeg1rm9p0k
Ти какво правиш тук?!
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 8:34 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_m0yd14i26W1qh6c4xo1_500
- Прибрах се вкъщи, скъпа. Защо дане би да чакаш друг?
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football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 8:38 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_nicwo2luZM1s5ew9do3_250
Вкъщи значи.. И да, чакам друг.
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 8:52 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Latest?cb=20140710174950
- Колко жалко, че Джеймс не изпитва същото към теб. Не знам, дали знаеш, че е с теб само за да прикрие от Александър чувствата си към Флор? А има и още по - хубаво. В момента гаджето ти ..така де "уж" гаджето ти чука братовчедката на Флеминг. Не мисля, че ще дойде, скъпа.
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football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 9:13 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_nj6mnbH9cv1u9vqklo2_250
Ха-ха. Ти тотално си се побъркал. Как изобщо реши, че ще ти се вържа?
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 9:50 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Week-in-review-dave-franco-6
-Искаш ли да ти покажа? Имам снимки. [/img]
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 10:14 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_mw9sxlKKPl1qd8z57o1_250
Престани с глупостите си.
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 10:16 pm

- О не бебчо
I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_n1e6a0U9ng1ttsxr7o2_500
- Не са глупости, ето гледай [/img]
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 10:19 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_inline_njexm8sVjM1rm9p0k
Ако това е поредната ти шега се кълна, че..
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 10:58 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Giphy
- Не съкровище...не е поредната ми шега, а чистата истина.
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 11:04 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_inline_njexps9aAN1rm9p0k
Аз..аз.. по дяволите..
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 11:13 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Giphy
-Виждаж ли? Аз може и да си тръгвам, но винаги рано или късно се връщам при теб. Не.мога да разбера само защо се опитваш да ме замениш
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 11:31 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_mhs04afr8P1reyn81o8_250
Той ме излъга, Джейми..
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Пон Юли 04, 2016 11:47 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_static_sexysmile
Той я Джеймс, Алексис. Да не мислиш, че би направил нещо без цел? Мислех си, че си по- умна, а най- малкото точно с него ли ме замени?
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Пон Юли 04, 2016 11:55 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_nmcxdz8wp51u9vqklo7_250
Не става дума само за теб, по дяволите!! И двамата сте еднакви.
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Вто Юли 05, 2016 9:15 am

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Dave-Franco-dave-franco-19607244-500-184
- Грешиш, не сме еднакви. Аз за разлика от него поне ти показвам кога имам нужда от почивка. А след това се връщам
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Вто Юли 05, 2016 2:59 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_nn2hum7Par1u9vqklo6_250
Въпрос на време е да спреш да се връщаш.

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_nmryr2txcl1u9vqklo2_250
Защо дойде? За да ми натриеш носа и да покажеш колко си повече от него ли?
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Вто Юли 05, 2016 3:09 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Week-in-review-dave-franco-6
Грешиш, аз винаги съм бил по- добър от него. Въпрос на време е да го осъзнаеш. И не, не мисля скоро да си тръгна.
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Вто Юли 05, 2016 3:24 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_nl63m7CIMp1r8voito3_250
Изобщо не ми е до теб, Джейми.. или до когото и да било.
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Вто Юли 05, 2016 3:39 pm

- Милата. Искаш ли да те оставя сама?
I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_inline_o3ophdd1Xz1tlb20m_500
- О я стига знаеш, че мен не ме интересува до кого ти е.
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Вто Юли 05, 2016 3:52 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_o5g7d8OsnB1u62mpdo4_r1_250
Напомни ми, защо да не сритам първо твоя задник?
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Вто Юли 05, 2016 4:17 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_mrz8mrUyC01qbabvao5_250
Защо ли? Защото само с мен си изпитвала нещо истинско.
football player.
football player.

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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by .alexis atwood Вто Юли 05, 2016 6:29 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_niygayCxxM1u9vqklo6_250
Благодаря ти, че въпреки всичко ми отвори очите за случващото се.
.alexis atwood
.alexis atwood
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

Писане by Jamie. Вто Юли 05, 2016 6:45 pm

I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Tumblr_mt82o52u0G1s82330o1_500
- Аз винаги съм бил до теб скъпа. Дори и да него показвам
football player.
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I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis] Empty Re: I am back darling, and you can't escape from me this time [ Jamie & Alexis]

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